2011年7月毕业于西安交通大学电气学院仪器科学与技术专业,获博士学位。 研究方向: 智能传感器系统、无损检测技术及光谱分析技术研究与应用。 教学工作: 讲授过本科生课程《微机原理》、《计算机控制技术》、《通信原理》、《单片机与嵌入式系统》、《C语言程序设计》等课程,作为副主编编写了“十二五”规划教材两本,“十三五”规划教材两本。指导员工参加科技竞赛获省二等奖4项,省三等奖一项,省优秀奖一项。 科研工作: 发表论文20余篇,SCI检索8篇,EI检索13篇,主持横向项目20余项,累计到款140余万元;主持并参与多项省基金及国家自然科学基金项目。作为主要完成人获批发明专利四项。 社会兼职: 担任IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing; IEEE Transactions on Big Data; IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid; Journal of Signal Processing Systems等期刊的审稿人。 部分发表论文: [1] Li Yujun, Liang Kun, Tang Xiaojun, et al. Cloud-Based Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization for Waveband Selection in Big Data[J]. Journal of Signal Processing Systems,2018,90(8-9):1105-1113. (SCI:000435826300003) [2] Li Yujun, Liang Kun, Tang Xiaojun, et al. Waveband Selection Based Feature Extraction Using Genetic Algorithm[C] IEEE, International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing. IEEE, 2017:223-227.(EI:20173604122542) [3] Xioafan W , Lei W , Yujun L , et al. Privacy-Aware Efficient Fine-Grained Data Access Control in Internet of Medical Things based Fog Computing[J]. IEEE Access, 2018,(6):47657-47665. (SCI:000445510600001) [4] Gai Keke, Sun Xiaotong, Li Yujun. An Approach of Fog Detecting Magnitude Using Referenceless Perceptual Image Defogging[C]. IEEE,5th International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing, CSCloud 2018. IEEE, 2018:58-63.(EI:20183405715638) [5] Wang Xiaofan, Wang Lei, Li Yujun, et al. A Quick Algorithm for Rule Acquisition Based on Distributed Computing[C] IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud. IEEE, 2016:278-281.(EI:20170603320761) [6] Gai Keke, Qiu Meikang, Li Yujun, et al. Advanced Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Over Real Numbers[C] IEEE, International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing. IEEE, 2017:64-69.(EI:20173604122518) [7] Tang Xiaojun, Li Yujun, Zhu Lingjian, et al. On-line multi-component alkane mixture quantitative analysis using Fourier transform infrared spectrometer[J]. Chemometrics & Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 146(4):371-377.(SCI:000360595100040) |